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Blog 21 March 2023

How to Scrape Data From LinkedIn [Guide Step-By-Step]

Angela Atanasovska
Research & Content Associate @ Cognism

LinkedIn is full of prospects. 🎣


You can easily find people. And that’s great!


But with multi-touch being so key, the next challenge is contacting your prospect off the platform.


This is where web scraping tools come in.


A web scraper extracts data from websites available in the public domain.


Using one means prospectors can scrape contact details straight from LinkedIn.


Let’s see how it works. 👇

The best way to LinkedIn profile scrape

1. Go to the LinkedIn profile

Hop on over to LinkedIn and find your ideal potential customer.


Once you've landed on their profile, you might want to do some research before you begin your outreach.


The cute Kaspr widget will let you know when there’s data with notifications. Click on the ghost.


👻 Trial the widget now; it’s free - Kaspr LinkedIn Extension.


Screenshot of a LinkedIn profile with the Kaspr widget showing it’s got data

2. Access the data

Kaspr finds phone numbers, emails, and company profile information.


It’s a super quick way of scraping data from LinkedIn.


Credits are used to display the contact details.


You’ll be able to use the advanced search feature, which focuses on finding phone numbers in Kaspr’s professional database too.


There’s a step further you can go as well…


Screenshot of the Kaspr widget accessing contact data from a LinkedIn profile


3. Enrich the contact details

Kaspr is more than just a LinkedIn Chrome Extension.


The dashboard is where the magic happens. 🪄


You can use it to build LinkedIn sequences, send emails, or be notified of any contacts on the wait list for data Kaspr didn’t have yet.


There are also B2B data enrichment workflows.


This means you can enrich your contact data in bulk. 


✅ With GDPR and CCPA aligned data.


Using the workflows, you can enrich:

  1. At a contact level with personal phone numbers and emails.
  2. At a company level, with business phone numbers and emails.


You can send enriched contact information straight to your other apps as well with integration.


Graphic of enrichment capabilities in the Kaspr dashboard


Can I scrape data in bulk?

Some web scrapers can bulk profile crawl, which means lots of data from multiple sources can be extracted at once.


When you’re a salesperson with a quota to hit, this is great because it means you can focus on outreach rather than finding contact details and potential leads. 

Scraping data from Sales Navigator

If you already use a solution like LinkedIn Sales Navigator, you can extract data in bulk.


Web scrapers can take data from the lists you build from an account or lead level.


Infographic of manually getting contact info from prospects on Sales Navigator


Bulk export from LinkedIn groups, people, and posts

You can also export data from LinkedIn groups, people, and posts in bulk.


This is useful for:

  • Bulk exporting lists of people if you don’t have Sales Nav.
  • Getting the contact data for people with similar interests.
  • Engaging people who’ve commented or liked your posts.

Check out the video below. 🎬


LinkedIn scraper Chrome Extensions

If you're prospecting, it’s likely you’ll already be spending a lot of time on LinkedIn.


But let's be real: the outreach you can do on there will only get you so far.


LinkedIn Browser Extensions that can scrape data make it easy to contact your prospect across multiple channels.


And record what’s happening in your other sales apps.


But if you’re considering signing up for one, there are a few things to keep in mind.


  • Check that they align with data laws - Web scraping is completely legal as long as it’s done with data publicly available on the internet. But make sure your tool aligns with GDPR and CCPA too.
  • Make sure it’s within LinkedIn’s terms of use - You don’t want to risk your account getting suspended.
  • It needs to be easy to use - Check for little features like if it shows you it’s got a phone number before you spend a credit.
  • Data quality - You also need to consider the data quality. Ask if the contact details are updated in real-time. Some have a light free version or give you so many free credits. You can test data quality by using the tool for free.
  • Pricing - When it comes to sales intelligence tools like this, they are often sold on a credit system or tailored packages. Depending on your other needs (like intent data), weigh-up the cost per lead.

Try LinkedIn scraping for free

Try LinkedIn scraping for free by signing up for Kaspr.


Join the 40K+ Kaspr users:


✅ GDPR and CCPA aligned.
✅ 120m+ email addresses.
✅ 90m+ phone numbers.
✅ All-in-one prospecting tool.
✅ Fully self-service.
✅ Customizable plans.

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